I am always amazed at the ball control professional golfers possess. Dustin Johnson can blast the driver over 350 yards and feel confident the ball will land in the fairway most of the time. Likewise we have all seen the magic Phil Michelson delivers with his wedge! With a little practice on a regular basis, you too can strike the ball more consistently. Better ball strikes will create more distance and control. Just think how being in the fairway off the tee instead of the rough will give you the opportunity to be on the green in regulation more often! So, what can the average golfer do to improve ball control and Break 90?
Strike the ball with weight firmly planted of the front foot.
Statistics show that
80% of amateur golfers hit the ball when the majority of their weight weight is on the rear foot. It is impossible to hit down and through the ball unless weight is transferred forward during the down swing.
Weight must be transferred to the front foot so you can strike the ball first, allowing you to hit down through the ball, taking a divot. A divot is confirmation that a solid ball strike was executed! In the picture below, you will notice, the golfer's weight is on his front foot, enabling him to hit down and through the ball.
[caption id="attachment_1281" align="aligncenter" width="244"]

Striking the ball first creates a divot![/caption]
The set up and swing should be basically the same for all shots.
A slow one piece take away will ensure that the upper body coils as it stores power. The one piece take away occurs when the hands holding the club are moved in unison by the shoulders during the back swing. The arms and shoulders form a triangle that is moved by the shoulders coiling and storing power for the downswing. This final back swing position allows the lower body to begin the downswing releasing the stored power. If the back swing starts too quickly, the upper body gets ahead of the lower body causing a variety of bad issues. In the picture below, a one-piece takeaway shows the body coiled and is ready to transition into the downswing.
Consistent set up and one piece take away will help you
break 90!
[caption id="attachment_1282" align="aligncenter" width="296"]

Golfer is coiled and ready to start downswing.[/caption]
Practice completely shifting weight to the front foot during the down swing.
Once you established a consistent set up and the back swing storing energy in the body's core, it's time to unleash the power! The downswing is usually started by action in the front foot, but some golfers have learned to start the downswing by pushing off the rear foot. Regardless of the trigger, the golfer's weight must be completely transferred to to front foot
prior to the ball strike. Practice a few minutes a day, but not more than a few days per week. Muscle memory is established more efficiently when you practice in short bursts rather than for long periods of time. Consistent weight transfer to the front foot prior to striking the ball will help you
break 90!
The Solution
[caption id="attachment_1185" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

The Pocket Pin High Pro is just under the sole of the front foot and Clicks as weight is transferred forward.[/caption]
Pocket Pin High Pro helps establish the muscle memory needed to shift weight to the front foot more consistently.
Pocket Pin High Pro is an ultra portable swing aid that clicks when weight is shifted to the front foot during the down swing. The click confirms weight has shifted giving you the "
feel" of the completed weight shift. The audible
"click" further confirms the weight transfer. Click
here to purchase, and use coupon code "
BREAK90" for a $5.00 discount.
For videos and written instructions, please visit
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